Natascha Verdurmen

📞 +31 651 818 011

Let's get personal and really honest

natascha • 14 september 2019

There is still time... Today I would like to share a personal story with you. Maybe you will recognize something or remember similar situations. At the end I also share what I learned.

The question: ‘how can I take good care of myself and my body’ was for a very long time uncomfortable for me. Of course, I knew I had to take better care of myself but somehow, I was not able to. There were so many ‘must do’s’ in my life and especially that ‘must-do-for-me’ was difficult. I used the verbs ‘must’ and ‘have to’ quite often myself: “We must call him” and “you have to do this.”

‘Have to’ was just the way it was. I believed: “doing things for myself is selfish” in my busy life with a responsible job, many social activities and a busy family life. I just ‘had to’ do many things, many others where more important than I was, but I didn’t see it that way. It was just the way it was. I loved to help others, make an impact, go down well with everybody and doing things the right way. I didn’t have any wishes or wants for myself. I did not look for them nor did I allow or welcome them. I thought: “it is not possible, what’s the use?” And: “After all, I have a good life.” “I have no reason to complain.” On top of that, I surely did not want to lose what I had.

Don’t get me wrong. I understood that taking good care of oneself is important. But I saw this in the light of enabling me to sustainably keep up with ‘the situation’: working hard and keeping everyone satisfied. That is why for years I went to yoga once a week. This was the way I showed myself I was taking good care of myself. Everyone was able to understand that with my agenda, there was no room for more me-time. And I loved to reward myself for my hard work with lovely food and drinks and buying beautiful gifts for those who I wanted, but unfortunately was unable, to spend time with. I loved to regularly relax with a glass of wine and increasingly with social media or working in advance.

I didn’t believe it was possible, so I was better off not wanting it at all. And yet I kept feeling uncomfortable with the question ‘How can I take good care of myself and my body?’’ As if I neglected that part of myself. And that thought got confirmed by my experience: I was not fit, often tense and clearly 20 pounds too heavy. Deep down I realized that when I would take good care of me, others would benefit as well. My inner critic yelled at me: “You are doing this to yourself!” “You are the one who has to solve this, right now” and “How could you let it come this far!” Sometimes I had a short fuse.

How I love being on holiday. Don’t you? Being on holiday, I managed to relax more and take better care of myself. Only on holiday, I allowed myself to notice that taking good care of myself actually made me very happy. And I saw how my family benefitted as well. But the last years I never dared to dream: “I wish I had more of this in between the holidays.” All these holidays in which I made new year’s resolutions raising my glass of wine, I never succeeded in making them work. I no longer believed it was possible for me, so I was better off not wanting it at all…

Wanting something is not selfish, it is wise! Fast forward to today and a career change to an entrepreneurial master of habit change, it is my mission to empower women to live stronger, healthier and happier lives. I tell the women in my network and the women I am allowed to coach that it is so possible and that you are so allowed to want things. Wanting something is not selfish, it is wise! Wanting something puts your glow from low on high, lightens up your day, increases your energy, makes you more friendly and brings you closer to your life’s purpose.

I explain about the importance of relaxation, movement, healthy food & drinks and sleep. And about efficient planning of your me-time in order for you to find out what relaxes you, to write that down and once you have that, to plan for it. Planning of course not in the following week because that one will be full of ‘must do’s’. On the short term there are often too many challenges that might discourage you to want something. You might notice that discouragement when relaxation and sleep become ‘must do’s’ instead of ‘want to’s’. Be mindful for the words: ‘Oh I know, I ‘have to’ relax and move more...but you know’. You are probably not going to do it.

My recipe for inevitable success I learned and noticed that to plan further ahead and arrange for accountability creates enormous relief. It creates reassurance which helps you to back off the pressure. This is what makes it achievable. And do you know what then happens? You will allow enthusiasm and excitement to grow. You will create space for the belief: “I want this, and I am going to make it work”! Then you will start to long for it. Because deep down there really is nothing, we want more than taking good care of ourselves and our bodies. We are allowed to allow that want more.

You choose I decided to make it easier for you to help you make it happen this fall. You don’t have to do it alone. I will personally coach you. No fixed dates this time, no group coaching. Just you and I.

You decide when in September you want to start which service to help you take good care of yourself, either you book:

  1. Your free Discovery session or
  2. Your Mellow Purpose Finder - EUR 279,- incl. VAT & 2 online coaching sessions or
  3. Your Mellow Reset Detox - EUR 379,- incl. VAT & 3 online coaching sessions or
  4. Your Healthy Habits Challenge - EUR 479,- incl VAT, 4 online coaching sessions, in which you quit at least one for you unhealthy habit for a month.

You take the responsibility to sign up here with only your choice, your name and your email address. See it as your S.H.P. You are so worth it!

Things for you to be aware of: The offers are valid until the end of September. There are only few of these spots left. I will send you all info and invoice asap upon your registration.

Let’s grab this opportunity together. Your chance to make it real this time.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, the sun is out!

Natascha Verdurmen,

P.S. Curious to know what other strong women think of my challenges ?

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door natascha.verdurmen 3 december 2020
Gezien worden, verschil maken en je energie een boost geven. Dat willen veel vrouwen in leiderschapsposities en vrouwen die dit ambiëren. Maar hoe voorkom je dat je gaat twijfelen en compenseren? Hoe durf je te zeggen wat je echt wilt en wat je toegevoegde waarde is? Hoe ga je om met die druk om te presteren en creëer je tijd om te ontspannen? Ontdek het in het gratis webinar ‘In 3 stappen meer mellow en minder stress’ op maandag 7 december, 20:00 -21:15 uur en 13 december om 10:30 uur . Meld je aan via s  chrijf-in-voor-webinar-meer-mellow-minder-stress
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