Natascha Verdurmen

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Mellow Revolution’s 

The program for women in leadership positions who want to focus on what they want, want to be seen and heard and want to boost their motivation and energy.

Mellow Revolutions Group program

The program for women in leadership positions who want to focus on what they want, want to be seen and heard and want to boost their motivation and energy.

Het is soms lastig om in je kracht te staan als leidinggevende

What I often see happening with women who lead is that it is difficult to truly stand in your strength.

They feel vaak not recognized while under pressuren to perform on many fronts. If they already know wIf they really want it, it turns out to be difficult to ask for it.

This pressure often makes them feel as if they are no longer performing well in any area. Often this has been going on for a while, they are quite a bit tired but they persevere. They are real go-getters.

Yet it gnaws at their motivation, their creativity and their 'drive'. And it starts to nibble at their sense of happiness. Unfortunately, they often start to notice this at home too...

Soms voelt het op dat moment alsof je innerlijke criticus je vertelt dat je beter voor jezelf moet zorgen en tegelijkertijd dat je harder moet werken. Soms slaan je gedachten op hol in negatieve richting en verhoog je je stress. Maar dat wil je helemaal niet.

Je stopt de gedachten weg maar onbewust verzwakken ze je en hebben ze invloed op je uitstraling, je motivatie en je creatiekracht.

Know that it doesn't have to be this way...

There is no need to feel powerless in a position you were so ready to make a difference in. It is possible to stand in your strength in this role.

JYou can create peace in your mind through sustainable behavioral change and by respecting your own compass, taking your yeses and nos seriously and expressing what you want in a friendly and clear manner.

By indicating your boundaries in this way, you will be seen and heard in your own authentic way. This gives you energy, increases your drive and will bring back the commitment you are so famous for. This then enables you to make the impact you have always envisioned.


to take the pressure off 
and switch the power (back) on!


to take the pressure off 
and switch the power (back) on!

What would it mean for you to regain your strength?

You know what you want, you feel fit, confident and it is seen that you make a difference. You are able to reduce the pressure yourself, take responsibility for yourself and your feelings and feel your own strength.

You feel relaxed and curious and you make time for what you know is important to you in your agenda. Not what's important to someone else's agenda.

You feel your attraction, your creative power and have meaningful conversations that touch you and others. Many positive changes happen unconsciously and you will be approached for new adventures (think: promotion, love, impact, change).

And what if there was a proven method that could help you get there so that you have the space to trust and enjoy the process without having to force yourself.

Je wordt in staat gesteld om je eigen kompas te creëren, je gewoonten en gedachten die je beperken te veranderen, je zelfvertrouwen te verhogen, je vrouwelijke kwaliteiten te omarmen en om gezien en gehoord te worden. 

En wat zou het betekenen om mij te hebben als je coach? Je gaat voor blijvende gedragsverandering, niet voor een ‘quick fix’. En voor diepgaande transformatie, ook op het niveau van gedachten/overtuigingen en identiteit. Zodat je resultaten niet alleen op je werk zichtbaar zullen zijn maar ook thuis en bij vrienden doorwerken. 

Je werkt met een liefdevolle, resultaatgerichte coach die op een vergelijkbare positie werkzaam is geweest en aan wie je niets hoeft uit te leggen. Elke sessie is op zichzelf een positieve reset zodat het makkelijk is vol te houden, ook met een drukke baan. Alle sessies samen maken het onvermijdelijk dat angst, frustratie of verdriet wordt omgezet in persoonlijke kracht.

Hi, I am Natascha and with 20 years of experience in leadership positions in communication and HR, both in the busy office life and in the political corporate world, I know better than anyone how important it is to know how to maintain your strength.

For my transformations I use Mellow Revolution's Total Transformation program, a mixture of my experience, my insights and the Transformational Coaching Method (TCM) from the ICF certified Health Coach Institute in America.

DThe method focuses on lasting behavioral change. Not resolutions but conditions, yourself as a priority and achievable, concrete goals make success inevitable.

TCM is not a quick fix but strives for lasting results. Behavioral change is only sustainable when you are able to create a green light at three levels: your behavior, your thoughts & beliefs and your identity.

That doesn't work right away, but the great thing is that once you get started, women experience more energy, clarity and positivity without feeling like they have to force themselves. This has an impact on self-confidence and personal strength. And what then becomes possible?

This is exactly why, in addition to the 1 on 1 program, I have also developed the Mellow Revolution group program.

Hi, Ik ben Natascha en met 20 jaar ervaring in leiderschapsposities in communicatie en HR zowel in het drukke bureauleven als in de politieke corporate wereld weet ik als geen ander hoe belangrijk het is om te weten hoe je in je kracht kunt blijven staan.

Voor mijn transformaties gebruik ik Mellow Revolution’s Totale Transformatie programma, een mengeling van mijn ervaring, mijn inzichten en de Transformational Coaching Method (TCM) van het ICF gecertificeerde Health Coach Institute in Amerika. De methode heeft mezelf ook flink veranderd. 

TCM streeft naar blijvende resultaten. Gedragsverandering is pas duurzaam wanneer je groen licht weet te creëren op drie niveaus: je gedrag, je gedachten & overtuigingen en je identiteit. Dit lukt niet meteen maar het mooie is dat eenmaal aan de slag, vrouwen meer energie, helderheid en positiviteit ervaren zonder het gevoel te hebben dat ze zich moeten forceren. 

Degenen die met mij hebben gewerkt, vertellen me dat ze zich gesterkt voelen om te gaan voor wat ze willen. Met deze duidelijke focus, meer (zelf)vertrouwen en meer eigen verantwoordelijkheid, voelen ze zich gelukkiger, sterker en tegelijkertijd meer ontspannen. En wat er dan mogelijk wordt?

Dit is precies waarom ik naast het 1 op 1 progamma nu ook Mellow Revolution’s Groepsprogramma heb ontwikkeld. Jij kiest waar je voorkeur naar uitgaat.

Mellow Revolution Programma   

3 steps

There are three steps that set my Mellow Revolution program apart and help make your success inevitable.

Programs with the best results in a relatively short time have three things in common. You can compare it with the three legs of a stool. Take itIf one leg is removed, the stool falls over.

The three pillars are:

  • the right method
  • the right support

  • and real responsibility

  • The right method means the right steps in the right order. The right support


    from someone who has been in a similar situation and has been in a similar position


    Someone who treats you lovingly, positively and decisively, so that it feels comfortable to be honest and vulnerable.

    We often know exactly what we should do. Without feeling real responsibility and experiencing 'accountability', it is difficult to actually do it!

    We give priority to thousands of things, especially when we are a little insecure. Taking this on together and really wanting it is very important.

Je weet waarschijnlijk dat het percentage van goede voornemens die mislukken zo eind januari maar liefst 98% is.

Wanneer je voorwaarden in plaats van voornemens hebt dan wordt het veel makkelijker om vol te houden. Je hebt vast wel eens ervaren hoe lastig het kan zijn om alles altijd alleen te doen.

Tegelijkertijd vinden we dat we het zelf moeten kunnen. Daarmee leggen we de lat onbewust twee keer zo hoog. En we willen niemand teleurstellen. Motivatie alleen is dan niet genoeg.

De belangrijkste voorwaarden zijn dan ook: jezelf als prioriteit, heldere haalbare doelen stellen en in kleine stappen rustig oefenen!

Zonder deze voorwaarden val je uiteindelijk weer terug in je oude gedragspatronen en krijg je meer van wat je niet wilt. 

Voor duurzame verandering is groen licht nodig op drie niveaus. Op het niveau van gedrag, gedachten en identiteit. Op gedragsniveau beginnen we. Meestal kunnen we daar korte tijd wel een aanpassing op maken.

Maar het tweede niveau: je gedachten, is al veel lastiger. Je weet waarschijnlijk wel dat je gedachten je gedrag bepalen en je gedrag je gedachten bevestigt zodat je in ieder geval een soort 'controle loop' creëert. Daar uitbreken en veranderen is heel moeilijk omdat kennis geen gedragsverandering is. Toch lukt dat in dit programma. 

En dan is er nog het derde niveau en dat is je identiteit, jouw landkaart waarop jij en degenen dicht bij je hebben geschreven (regels, perspectieven, gebeurtenissen) sinds je vroegste jeugd.

Als daar ook groen licht is dan is je nieuwe gedrag blijvend. Dit gaat door bewustwording en speciale oefeningen vanzelf.

By going through these three elements and through the three phases, you create your own compass, you feel relaxed, you know what you want and you share it in your own friendly, clear and authentic way that you no longer have to force . This increases your self-confidence and visibility and doubles your energy and motivation.
What does your journey look like?

In drie maanden leggen we de basis voor jouw toekomstige zelf. Door te werken aan gedragsverandering op drie niveaus, ga je voelen dat je anders zult zijn zonder anders te hoeven doen. Hierdoor verandert je angst onbewust in persoonlijke kracht en word je gedragsverandering blijvend.

Je bent niet alleen. Je bent samen met maximaal 4 andere vrouwen en met mij. Ik begeleid je stap voor stap door het positieve programma. Het is een leiderschapsreis die 13 weken duurt vol inspiratie, reflectie en praktische oefeningen. Alle stappen die je nodig hebt om in je kracht te staan en te blijven staan. 

Elke week verschijnt er nieuwe content op het Mellow Revolution Leerplatform. Tijdens de wekelijkse live Zoomsessie van 1,5 uur, leer je door te luisteren naar hoe andere deelnemers worden gecoacht  en leren anderen van jou wanneer jij 15 minuten wordt gecoacht. Elke sessie is op zichzelf transformerend door het gebruik van de transformatiemethode: 

  1. Stap achteruit
  2. Laat gaan
  3. Zeg ja tegen jezelf
  4. Enthousiaste stap vooruit
  5. Onvermijdelijk maken

Het huiswerk is volgens klanten ‘inspirerend anders’ (het gaat namelijk over jou 😊), soms confronterend maar over het algemeen goed te doen. 

Mellow Revolution Groepsprogramma   

3 steps

There are three steps that set my Mellow Revolution program apart and make your success inevitable

help make.

Programs with the best results in a relatively short time have three things in common. You can compare it with the three legs of a stool. If you remove one leg, the stool will fall over.

The three pillars are:

  • the right method
  • the right support
  • and real responsibility

The right method means the right steps in the right order. The right support comes from someone who has been in a similar situation and held a similar position.

Someone who approaches you lovingly, positively and decisively, so that you feel comfortable being honest and vulnerable

to be.

We often know exactly what we should do. Without feeling and embracing real responsibility, it is difficult to actually do it!

We give priority to thousands of things, especially when we are a little insecure. Taking this on together and really wanting it is very important.

You probably know that the percentage of good intentions that fail at the end of January is no less than 98%.

When you have conditions, it becomes much easier to persevere. And you have probably experienced how difficult it can be to always do everything alone.

At the same time, we believe that we should be able to do it ourselves and do it ourselves. In doing so, we unconsciously raise the bar twice as high. And we don't want to disappoint anyone. Motivation alone is not enough.

The most important conditions are: yourself as a priority, clear achievable goals and practice step by step!

Without these conditions, you will eventually fall back into your old behavior patterns and get more of what you don't want.

Sustainable change requires green light at three levels. At the level of behavior, thoughts and identity. We start at the behavioral level. We can usually make an adjustment to this in a short time.

But the second level: your thoughts, is much more difficult. You probably know that your thoughts determine your behavior and your behavior confirms your thoughts so that you at least create a kind of control loop. Breaking out and changing is very difficult because knowledge is not a change in behavior. Yet that works in this program.

And then there is the third level and that is your identity: your map on which you and those close to you (usually your parents) have written (rules, perspectives, events) since your earliest childhood.

If there is also the green light, your new behavior will be permanent. This happens naturally through awareness and special exercises.

Because of these three steps and by going through the three phases, you create your own compass, you feel relaxed, you know what you want and you share it in your own, authentic way that you no longer have to force. This increases your self-confidence, your visibility and doubles your energy and motivation.

What does your journey look like?

In 3 months we will lay the foundation for your future self. By working on behavioral change on three levels, you will feel that you will be different without having to act different. This unconsciously turns your fear into personal power and your behavioral change becomes permanent.

You are not alone. You will be together with a maximum of 4 other women and with me. I will guide you step by step through the positive program. It is a leadership journey full of inspiration, reflection and practical exercises in 12 steps = 12 weeks. All the steps you need to stand and remain in your power.

New content appears every week on the Mellow Revolution Learning Platform. During the weekly live Zoom session of 1.5 hours, you learn by listening to how other participants are coached and others learn from you when you are coached for 15 minutes.

If you are alone, you will have a personal session of one hour. Each session is transformative in itself through the use of the transformation method:

  1. Step back
  2. Let go
  3. Say yes to yourself
  4. Enthusiastic step forward
  5. Make it inevitable

According to customers, the homework is 'inspiringly different' (it's about you 😊), sometimes confrontational but generally doable.

Het Mellow Revolution Programma – verandert angst in persoonlijke kracht, doorbreekt patronen door op drie niveaus te werken: gedrag, gedachten & overtuigingen en identiteit. Dit zorgt voor blijvende resultaten. Elke sessie gaan we in op persoonlijke behoeften en ontvang je nieuwe inspiratie.

 13 weken inspiratie, ontspanning, connectie en persoonlijke groei

WEEK 0: Introductions

Get acquainted, learn the rules of the game and get even more excited.

WEEK 1: What do you want to achieve?

Determining goals, setting intentions, finding out 'the why behind the why' and 15 Mellow Revolution guidelines.

WEEK 2: How do I conserve energy?

Quick habit scan. Find out what your specific energy providers and are energy guzzlers, including the assassins.

WEEK 3: Honoring your yeses and nos

Whose agenda do you mainly work on? How do you make sure it's yours?

WEEK 4: Ontdek de kracht van plezier bij gewoonteverandering  

Leer hoe je plezier aan je doelen verbindt.

WEEK 5: Over Sabotage 

We onderzoeken in je onderbewuste of er misschien meer slechte redenen dan goede redenen zijn om je doelen te willen behalen.


WEEK 6: Wat wil de rebel in jou?

We creëren een avontuurlijk menu voor de rebel die je doelen ondersteunt en niet destructief is en een warm, omarmend menu voor de liefdevolle jij.

WEEK 7: Het geheim van de optimale staat voor verandering 

We streven continu naar de optimale staat waarin je de beste keuzes voor jezelf kunt maken.

WEEK 8: Hoe nieuwsgierig ben jij? – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie – 1

Nieuwsgierigheid is liefdevol en onontbeerlijk bij verandering.

WEEK 9: Bevrijd je persoonlijke kracht – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie - 2 (persoonlijke sessie)

WEEK 10: Ervaar de kracht van erkenning We gaan op een andere manier oefenen met dankbaarheid.

WEEK 11: Het verschil tussen willen en wensen Je zult merken hoever je al gekomen bent.

WEEK 12: ‘Closing ritual’ en vooruitblik

The Mellow Revolution program is ideal for women in leadership, for women who want a leadership role, have just started such a role or are unsure about their next leadership role. You can go through it alone with me (and possibly come to my home) or with up to 4 other women via my online learning platform and live Zoom group program.

The Mellow Revolution program is ideal for women in leadership, for women who want a leadership role, have just started such a role or are unsure about their next leadership role. You can only go through it with me (and possibly come to my house) or with up to four other women via my online learning platform and live Zoom group program.

Do you feel this is the right step for you and do you want to reduce that pressure? Then don't wait any longer.Download the questionnaire to take a look
how it feels.

And sign up for a conversation to see if my program gives you the results you are looking for.


Voel je dat dit de juiste stap is voor jou en heb je zin die druk te verlagen? Wacht dan niet langer. Download vast de vragenlijst om te kijken hoe het voelt

Meld je aan voor een gesprek om te kijken of mijn programma jou de resultaten kan leveren waar je naar op zoek bent.



"Natascha helped me to clarify what I need and what I want. We have devised concrete actions for this. This has helped me enormously to settle well in my new, complex job. The conversations are mutually open, a bit strict, but with humor and often also emotionally. After every conversation I feel stronger and better equipped for the great challenges in my life."

Business unit manager Energy company

"Natascha understands my question, listens, investigates and asks questions critically, also at deeper layers. Always with respect and compassion. She makes me more aware, but also helps me to find practical solutions. I then practice these with the whole family. I have the feeling of understanding myself better and being able to take better care of myself and my body."

Annick Schmeddes

Owner Sustainable Talent

"After I had come out of a 'me too' situation at work and was faced with the prospect of hip surgery, I accepted with both hands the invitation to take part in a 12-session program with Natascha.enomen. I wanted to get rid of the victim position I had ended up in and wanted to become 'whole' again, feel confident and be positive.

With Natascha's help, I started listening to myself more and found out what I would prefer. I'm less of a place nowcaring towards others and am able to focus on myself with more recognition. I am more aware, which allows me to analyze the feelings that I still have from time to time and thus create space for myself to deal with them in a different way and to let go of the self-defense mechanism. This reduces the pressure, makes me milder and more positive and also helps with confidence.

And not only do I appreciate that, but also the people around me, both at home and in the office. Natascha guides you through different phases lovingly and with unwavering enthusiasm. I shed a lot of tears and also had very happy moments. I wish everyone a Natascha in his or her life."

Antoinette van Roosmalen

Coordinator of government agency

"What a wonderful, enriching and exciting coaching process! Natascha coaches very pleasantly: loving, positive and decisive. This makes me feel confident to be honest and vulnerable, makes me feel valued and takes steps.

II had doubts about following a group program, but how educational is that! I am very happy that I am giving myself the time to experience this mellow revolution, together with Natascha and the other women.”

Leonie, adjunct - directeur

"The fact that I already knew and trusted Natascha gave me a good feeling. Once I was ready, I no longer hesitated. She showed me that there are ways to find out what you want.

I am more aware of what is holding me back, my dilemmas and pain points and that I have influence on this. By gaining the insight and practice that I have a choice, even though I sometimes don't think so, and by then working on something positive that is good for me, I feel that I have much more strength and energy than I thought.

Each session is in itself a positive reset that other women should allow themselves. I feel more balanced and face my future with more confidence. ."

Stefany Rietkerk

Executive producer Artcore

"There is only development, no right or wrong. Trust the process! Natascha creates a safe atmosphere, in trust, so that everyone expresses what they are experiencing very openly and honestly.
Very nice to sometimes face personal and vulnerable issues together with other women. Sharing is very stimulating for me.
The process feels intensive to me, but with room for if things don't go well or if you feel resistance. Natascha coaches positively, with gentleness and openness, supportive and accepting. And she also shares with the group, which makes her more of a cooperative leader than an all-knowing coach, which I really like."


HR and commercial project management

“If colleagues spontaneously tell you that you have changed a lot in recent months, more open, more self-confident, more assertive, then you know that you have made the right choice and that the coaching really works. The fact that I am already making such progress in lockdown mode shows to me that the program is based on your intrinsic strength and is therefore effective, the result is sustainable.”

Ellen, service management consultant.

"Dat ik me schaamde voor wie ik was en wat ik deed was ik me voor dit programma nog niet bewust. Ik heb geleerd dat gevoelens van schaamte funest kunnen zijn voor iedere relatie of het nu gaat om privé- of werkrelaties of de relatie met jezelf. In twaalf wekelijkse sessies leer je hoe je met aandacht en liefde voor jezelf kunt zorgen. Het coaching programma brengt mij rust in mijn hoofd, maakt me positiever en geeft me energie. Ook nek- en schouder klachten worden minder en alles bij elkaar zorgt dat ervoor dat ik mij fysiek en mentaal sterker voel dan ooit. "

Jacqueline Ten Hoope

Staff lawyer dean/attorney

"Door de duurzame gedragsveranderingsmethode van Mellow Revolution ben ik van onzeker en oordelend naar meer nieuwsgierig, empathisch en minder oordelend naar mezelf en anderen geworden. Natascha heeft me keuzes laten voelen in plaats van beredeneren en daardoor makkelijker beslissingen laten nemen.

Haar positieve opdrachten hebben ervoor gezorgd dat ik meer bij mezelf en bij mijn eigen kracht ben gekomen. Door de focus op hoe ik me wil voelen, weet ik nu dat ik iets bijzonders te bieden heb. De schroom is verdwenen. Ik gun iedere ‘corporate lady’  een Mellow Revolution."

Inge Wallage

Hoofd communicatie

"When I first came to Natascha, I was busy with everything that was expected of me, both at work and privately. And that involved setting very high standards for myself and a lot of self-criticism.

Natascha has made me aware of my own strong foundation. Brought back to the 'core'. Who are you as a person, what are your unique kqualities, how do you want to feel, what do you want to achieve and how do you let yourself shine and create your own happiness? Natascha helped me to sharpen this again and create my own compass. And not only to focus, but also to focus immediately to trade.

With concrete exercises and small “mind tweaks” that you can incorporate into your day-to-day life, you learn to transform insecurities into curiosity. And also how to act on it from my own strength and thus create my own happiness and more peace.

She helped me accept and respect my inner critic and encouraged me to follow my own intuition and see the value of all the lessons life brings and embrace them. And above all, enjoy it!

Not entirely unimportant: Natascha has always made me feel very comfortable. She is a beautiful person, with whom I immediately felt a connection from moment one. Every session I felt safe and seen. You will be guided by someone who, based on her own experience, strength and knowledge, provides direction on how you can act from your own strength again, both professionally and privately.

Thanks to the program, I now act much more from my own strength, I say more easily and quickly what I want and find important and I smile at the world with curiosity. And this attitude continues and has an effect on my career, my health, my family and my love relationship.

The program helps you focus again on those things that are good for you, and helps you get energy from those sources that are best for you: your own energy sources. And to look at the future with curiosity and confidence. Because there is so much beauty ahead: enjoy the ride!

Nadia Parisi

Communications adviser

"Natascha supports me in my journey of discovery towards self-development. I find the group contact very valuable. The fact that we make agreements within the group fits in well, which means there is already a stick behind the door.

We learn from each other and support each other. That gives me wings. The program that Natascha has developed fits in very well and she coaches in a very personal, loving and safe way.”

Jennifer, co-ceo.

Do you want to know if the Mellow Revolution program

is the right step for you?

Sign up for an initial meeting to see if we are a good match and whether my Mellow Revolution program can give you the results you are looking for. You are not committed to anything.

Als vrouwen in leiderschapposities hebben we de mogelijkheid en de verantwoordelijkheid om de wereld iedere dag een beetje beter te maken. We zijn een voorbeeld voor nieuwe generaties. 

Zorg goed voor jezelf, voor je eigen aantrekkingskracht en je creatiekracht. Vertrouw op jouw kwaliteiten en weet dat je het nooit alleen hoeft te doen. Jij hebt het in je. Zet ‘m op!



“If you wish to see the change you desire in the world: 
know that Transformation starts with you…” M. Ghandi & N. Verdurmen 😊"

Wil jij weten of het Mellow Revolution programma voor jou de juiste stap is?

Meld je aan en we gaan in gesprek om te kijken of we een goede match zijn en of mijn Mellow Revolution programma jou de resultaten kan leveren waar je naar op zoek bent. Je zit nergens aan vast

As women in leadership positions, we have the opportunity and responsibility to make the world a little better every day. We are an example for new generations.

Always take good care of yourself, your own attractiveness and your creative power. Trust your (feminine) qualities and know that you never have to do it alone. You have it in you.Go for it!



“If you wish to see the change you desire in the world: 
know that Transformation starts with you…” 

M. Ghandi & N. Verdurmen 😊"

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