Natascha Verdurmen

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Do you see it too?

Do you also see that diverse teams of women and men perform better? McKinsey has been proving this since 2016 through recurring research. However, the potential of women is not fully utilized, climbing the corporate ladder is challenging for them, and too few women progress to the top.

Do you recognize this in your organization as well?

With Mellow Revolution, my company specializing in coaching and training for talented women, I am eager to partner with companies that want to better harness female potential. We understand and appreciate that women are different from men. We believe they complement each other well when they can stay true to themselves, value themselves, and are respected and appreciated for it.

That's why we offer specific training and coaching for women, so they can grow in a safe environment by practicing, challenging, and supporting each other.

It is time to take the pressure off

and switch the power on

Natascha Verdurmen:

"We often lack knowledge about women, and we are insufficiently aware of it. Scientifically, it has been proven that while women and men are equally intelligent, their brains, strengths, hormones affecting their bodies, behavior, immune system, and stress are different from those of men.

I am a leadership and career coach, a communication specialist, a (speech)writer, a trainer, a speaker, and a facilitator with over 20 years of experience in leadership positions in the corporate world and at agencies. Nothing feminine is unfamiliar to me.

Mellow Revolution advocates for a gentle yet impactful shift towards more women feeling powerful and relaxed in leadership positions. Our approach involves skill training, (group) coaching, and motivational speeches tailored specifically for women.

Mellow Revolution also stands for the profound and lasting change that women experience when they have been on a journey with me.

I have successfully guided hundreds of women in more than 10 countries to realize their potential as impactful role models.

I trust you are here because you feel that things can be different and you want change.

"We go deep. I find the group contact very valuable. We learn from each other and support each other. That gives me wings! The fact that we make clear goals and agreements within the group is a nice incentive. The entire program fits in very well and Natascha trains and coaches in a very personal, loving and safe way.”

Jennifer, co-CEO

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