Natascha Verdurmen

📞 31 651 818 011

Mellow Revolution Coaching

Career Transitioning

Support and guidance for career transitions of female leaders and managers facing (involuntary) job loss due to various reasons, such as company restructuring or differences in perspective.

Career Transitioning is a specialized form of career coaching. At Mellow Revolution, I provide support, guidance, resources, and a network specifically tailored to help women navigate the emotional and practical challenges of losing their job.

Losing a job or position has a significant impact. With my years of experience as a leader, having undergone an outplacement trajectory myself, and working as a career transition advisor for executives at LHH, I am familiar with the various aspects of women's career trajectories.

Unlike men, women often tend to attribute the blame for dismissal to themselves. The feeling of failure and not belonging anymore has a substantial impact on their confidence. This can lead them to decline on the career ladder because of the high risk of applying for positions beneath their skill level. Consequently, the chances of finding a suitable job decrease.

Rebuilding that confidence through increased self-awareness and self-appreciation is a crucial aspect of this career transition trajectory. The program is tailored to the individual but always involves three phases and lasts a minimum of 12 weeks. A quote for the employer quickly can be provided after the introductory meeting.

Three phases

Phase 1: Determine direction, opportunities & personal brand

We commence with self-analysis and clear, achievable career goals, utilizing the resources outlined below. What do I resonate with, and what don't I? What value do I bring, and what do I truly want?

Results: CV, Elevator pitch, LinkedIn, D&D analysis

Phase 2: Action plan for a new job. Now it's time for strategic planning, where networking and conducting interviews are integral components. For thorough preparation, we offer female leaders the opportunity to consult with an expert specifically on the job market & executive search.

Results: Exit statement, references, personal compass, list of companies, networking meetings

Phase 3: Execution of the action plan, accountability, practicing pitches and interviews, potentially a checklist for the first 100 days.

If you secure a new job after this period, or if it hasn't happened yet, I will remain in your network. Feel free to reach out anytime for a discussion or to seek advice. You can already take a look below to see what the self-analysis tools entail.

DISC behavioral analysis and motivation analysis & 1.5 hours of coaching

The DISC and Drivers analyses are two online assessments, each taking approximately half an hour. DISC primarily focuses on communication styles and preferences in interacting with others, while the Motivators analysis delves into the underlying motivations and values that shape someone's behavior. Engaging with these assessments significantly enhances your self-awareness, a key pillar of self-confidence.

It's beneficial to combine both analyses. I assist you in interpreting the results, ensuring your inner critic doesn't get a chance, and greatly boosting your self-appreciation. This combination of self-awareness and self-appreciation equals self-confidence.

The cost is EUR 498, inclusive of VAT. If you indicate your interest, I will promptly send you a payment link. Upon completion of payment, you will receive the analysis.

Find your life purpose - 2 coaching sessions

The 'Mellow Purpose Finder' comprises two coaching sessions. The initial 75-minute session assists you in articulating your qualities and fostering a deep self-belief, without interference from your inner critic. Simultaneously, this session brings to light what holds significance for you in your current life. It is an immensely uplifting experience.

The subsequent 45-minute session, 'Saying yes to your heart's desire,' provides space for your heart to express its desires. Often, we need to grant ourselves permission to listen and, ultimately, to dare to pursue what we want most. This session was pivotal for me, leading to a change in direction.

The total cost for both sessions is EUR 479, inclusive of VAT. If you express your interest, I will promptly send you a payment link and a link to my schedule.

WEEK 0: Introductions

Get acquainted, learn the rules of the game and get even more excited.

WEEK 1: What do you want to achieve?

Determining goals, setting intentions, finding out 'the why behind the why' and 15 Mellow Revolution guidelines.

WEEK 2: How do I conserve energy?

Quick habit scan. Find out what your specific energy providers and are energy guzzlers, including the assassins.

WEEK 3: Honoring your yeses and nos

Whose agenda do you mainly work on? How do you make sure it's yours?

WEEK 4: Discover the power of pleasure in habit change

Learn how to connect fun to your goals.

WEEK 5: About Sabotage

We investigate in your subconscious whether there may be more bad reasons than good reasons for wanting to achieve your goals.

WEEK 6: What does the rebel in you want?

We create an adventurous menu for the rebel who supports your goals and is not destructive and a warm, omar

mend menu for the loving you.

WEEK 7: The secret of the optimal state for change

We continuously strive for the optimal state in which you can make the best choices for yourself.

WEEK 8: Hoe nieuwsgierig ben jij? – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie – 1

Nieuwsgierigheid is liefdevol en onontbeerlijk bij verandering.

WEEK 9: Bevrijd je persoonlijke kracht – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie - 2 (persoonlijke sessie)

WEEK 10: Ervaar de kracht van erkenning We gaan op een andere manier oefenen met dankbaarheid.

WEEK 11: Het verschil tussen willen en wensen Je zult merken hoever je al gekomen bent.

WEEK 12: ‘Closing ritual’ en vooruitblik

The Mellow Revolution personal leadership journey is ideal for women who lead, for women who want a leadership role, have just started such a role or are unsure about their next leadership role. You can go through it alone with me (and possibly come to my home) or with up to four other women via my online learning platform and live Zoom group sessions.

Women who came before you

"After some coaching sessions, I cycle home with a puzzled mind. Natascha has posed some challenging questions again. I need to think them over, mull them over, and yes, it's sometimes quite uncomfortable, but oh, oh, oh, how it propels me further in my process of finding that new position that suits me perfectly. I'm very grateful to have you as my coach!"

Caroline Kwakkernaat


"In 4 sessions, very concrete steps were taken that have allowed me to experience that I can approach things differently. This has made me financially stronger, enabling me to perform my work with more ease, peace, and self-confidence. In a way that suits me, making it easier and reducing the stress I have to endure. Without compromising my values and standards. The insights offered by Natascha are valuable, but it's the actual experience, not just knowing, that brought about a real change in me! My focus on the near and distant future has become clear. With confidence, joy, and strength, I look forward to the coming years."

Hanneke de Graaf

"As part of the DISC and Drivers training, I was coached by Natascha. With great warmth, understanding, and insightful questions, she managed to get to the core. This has helped me chart the course for my future. She is definitely recommended if you are looking for a coach to unravel where you stand, what you want, and how to achieve it!"

DIanne van Dulmen
HR advice, Confidential Advisor

"I was seeking direction for the crossroads I had placed myself at. I gained clear insights, practiced them, and am now working in a new way. This gradual shift is allowing me to create more time for other important aspects of my life, and, most importantly, despair is giving way to clarity, joy, and space.

What I highly appreciate about Natascha is the beautiful blend she employs—a personal, warm approach with room for emotion, combined with a clear structure she adheres to. She asks probing questions to get to the core. This made me feel at ease. I experienced mutual trust and respect, making me willing to truly open up. And that's when real movement happens. I wholeheartedly recommend Natascha to business associates, friends, and acquaintances. Everyone has their quests and issues, regardless of their nature. They

are in safe hands with her."

Sonja Jonkers

Sales Manager

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