Natascha Verdurmen

📞 31 651 818 011

It's time to take the pressure off!

Schedule a personal health coach starter session
Plan your health coach starter session

It's time to take the pressure off!

Plan your health coaching session

In the telephone or online health coach session:

We discover what is hindering you

Together we discover what prevents you from realizing your wishes regarding your health and being the best version of yourself.

We develop a powerful vision for more energy and better health

A clear vision inspires and provides guidance. You know why you're doing it. It's about the good feeling that helps you move forward. Together we find out what you really want to achieve and determine concrete and achievable goals.

We find out which food and which lifestyle habits cost you energy

Without energy you won't get much done and you will be using up your reserves. We look at those habits that cost or even reduce your energy. If we find those habits, we make a plan so that your energy can flow again and you feel alive again.

Become clear what your health transformation can look like in 2020

Waar veel mensen vast blijven zitten in de droomfase, maken wij niet alleen het doel maar ook de strategie concreet. We gaan van wensen naar willen. Met de Transformational Coaching Method voor blijvende gedragsverandering wordt helder hoe we jouw transformatie voor elkaar kunnen krijgen.

Over Natasha

As a certified lifestyle coach and with over 20 years of experience in leadership positions, I help women with great responsibilities who often have to perform under high pressure and have no time for themselves, let alone their health. They are very preoccupied and see their body as subordinate. Sometimes their weight has increased unnoticed over the years and they have difficulty relaxing or moving. They often know what they 'need' to change, but they find it very difficult with their schedule. My programs tackle all the challenges these women face. I use the Transformational Coaching Method (TCM), which empowers women and therefore experiences less stress. Those who have worked with me also report that they feel lighter, more energetic and more confident at the same time.
“The combination of new insights and Natascha's pleasant, personal approach during that session made me decide to work with her. It has been the best decision in years!”

Book your 1-on-1 health coach starter session now for only 47 euros

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Reacties van deelnemers

“Key to my transformation was giving myself permission, feeling, less quilty and taking more ownership"
Nancy Koleda
Director Recruitment & Leadership Development
"Because of her unwavering faith and the small steps I took, my belief that I would succeed grew. That gives me self-confidence and freedom. I had completely lost that before.”
Hoofd communicatie
“This really does something psychologically: I literally and figuratively feel lighter in life. Bizarre. Natascha really has the solution I was looking for.”
Annick Schmeddes
Directeur Sustainable Talent

Stop prioritizing others. Go for energy and give yourself confidence, compassion and relaxation. The rest will come naturally.

Learn to dare to make choices for yourself and your body
Experience how compassion can reduce resistance and promote relaxation
Feel more energy to achieve your goals
Personal 1-on-1 attention
Now temporarily for only 47 euros
Boek jouw healthcoach startsessie
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