Natascha Verdurmen

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Waarom zou je een Mellow Reset Detox doen?

Toxins are plentiful and everywhere these days. They find their way into our bodies by breathing, eating and drinking. We also ingest foreign chemicals when we take medicines, smoke or drink alcohol. Although our body is able to clean up many toxins itself, it cannot always handle the excess. Toxins that are not excreted are stored in our fat cells and cell membranes and then become 'internal toxins'.

A stressed body circulates toxic waste from fat cells into the bloodstream. These toxins 'corrode' the body from within, making it less easy to absorb healthy nutrients. In addition, more toxins end up in the blood and lymph.

What is a Mellow Reset Detox?

With the Mellow Reset Detox we want to gently support the detoxifying effect of the liver and improve the health of the intestines. You will feel every part of your body working better just by 'turning on' your metabolism and natural detoxification mechanisms. It also gives you access to energy reserves you didn't know you had.

The most common food allergies are caused by gluten in grains, dairy products, eggs, soybeans, caffeine, yeast, sugar (in all its forms), dried fruit, citrus fruits and sometimes by bad food combinations. A classic way to minimize food allergy symptoms is the elimination method, also called the hypoallergenic method. We use this method in the Mellow Reset Detox.

Many people have benefited from avoiding the foods mentioned above. By introducing these foods back into your diet one by one, you will be able to clearly see and feel how your body reacts to that specific food.

What my customers experience:

My clients say the Mellow Reset Detox helps them to:
  • To feel lighter and softer
  • Reduce snacks and sugar needs
  • Reduce belly fat (and therefore some weight)
  • Boost their energy
  • Be even more conscious about food and increase your appreciation for it
  • Experience deeper sleep and clearer skin
  • Reduce bloating and experience smoother bowel movements
  • Even better to find out which food gives energy and which food triggers sensitivities
  • Be inspired by new recipes that help you take good care of yourself

How do I know if the Mellow Reset Detox is something for me?

It's time for a Mellow Reset Detox if you recognize some or more of the following descriptions:
  • You experience a bloated feeling after eating
  • You have to burp regularly and sometimes feel your stomach growling
  • You easily gain weight, especially in your stomach
  • You have weight that just won't come off with diet and exercise
  • You regularly have headaches or a 'full' head, which makes it difficult to focus
  • You regularly feel lethargic and tired
  • You don't always get around to taking good care of yourself
  • You have a high sugar and/or salt requirement and experience binge eating
  • You have allergies or hay fever

What now?

During the Mellow Reset Detox we guide you step by step through three phases:
  1. the preparation phase (2 days),
  2. the Mellow Detox phase (7 days) and
  3. the reintroduction phase (5 days).
All phases include an individual coaching session.

If you recognize some of the above symptoms and are wondering if it is time for your Mellow Detox, why not book a health coach starter session? And when it's time for your Mellow Detox, I'll be happy to help you get started.
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