Max 12 people
In this training, you'll notice that I'm not the expert; each participant is the expert of their own journey. They know better than anyone what they enjoy, where their strengths lie, and what matters to them. We'll explore this together as a group and individually at home.
My role is to guide participants through a process of reflection and rediscovery. This increases their self-awareness regarding what brings them satisfaction in their careers. This is crucial because how often do we truly give ourselves the time to do this?
Together, we'll examine where they currently stand, where they aspire to go, and determine the talents and skills needed to enhance their opportunities. This enables them to make a more conscious contribution to their career, team, and organization.
The greater the engagement, the greater the reward.
Those participants who are open to new ideas and thoughts, share experiences, and ask questions create connections, strengthen each other, and take significant strides forward.
This workshop inspires participants to focus on themselves and their own career. After all, if you don't take control of your career, no one else will. By doing so, you also encourage team members to take charge of their careers and realize that it's up to each individual to:
Regular examination and reconsideration of the five Ps help clarify career goals and establish a plan to achieve them.
On day 1 we cover P1 to P3, and on day 2 we address P4 to P5 of the following 5 P's model:
Prior to this workshop, participants receive a comprehensive participant guide and various other documents to fill out. This helps them prepare for the workshop.
WEEK 0: Introductions
Get acquainted, learn the rules of the game and get even more excited.
WEEK 1: What do you want to achieve?
Determining goals, setting intentions, finding out 'the why behind the why' and 15 Mellow Revolution guidelines.
WEEK 2: How do I conserve energy?
Quick habit scan. Find out what your specific energy providers and are energy guzzlers, including the assassins.
WEEK 3: Honoring your yeses and nos
Whose agenda do you mainly work on? How do you make sure it's yours?
WEEK 4: Discover the power of pleasure in habit change
Learn how to connect fun to your goals.
WEEK 5: About Sabotage
We investigate in your subconscious whether there may be more bad reasons than good reasons for wanting to achieve your goals.
WEEK 6: What does the rebel in you want?
We create an adventurous menu for the rebel who supports your goals and is not destructive and a warm, omar
mend menu for the loving you.
WEEK 7: The secret of the optimal state for change
We continuously strive for the optimal state in which you can make the best choices for yourself.
WEEK 8: Hoe nieuwsgierig ben jij? – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie – 1
Nieuwsgierigheid is liefdevol en onontbeerlijk bij verandering.
WEEK 9: Bevrijd je persoonlijke kracht
– Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie - 2 (persoonlijke sessie)
WEEK 10: Ervaar de kracht van erkenning We gaan op een andere manier oefenen met dankbaarheid.
WEEK 11: Het verschil tussen willen en wensen Je zult merken hoever je al gekomen bent.
WEEK 12: ‘Closing ritual’ en vooruitblik
"Thank you Natascha Verdurmen. It was a great experience. Learned a lot during this program. The group rocked and I am confident that we will continue to support each other in advancing our careers within NXP." #femaleleadership #dei
Chantal Verhoeven
Heading cloud services
Congratulations on this great achievement Natascha Verdurmen! With your passionate approach, personal experience and the Elevating Women in Leadership program, you managed to accelerate the development of leadership capabilities of this group of business leaders.
Buwalda road
Business Development Manager
"It has been a wonderful journey alongside these inspiring women ! Thank you Natascha for your invaluable guidance and support throughout this program !"
Zineb Hajji
Industrial Project Manager
Natascha is very inspirational. The way she delivered the message has the power to instill it to us.
Anonymous participant
I really liked the way the workshop was conducted including pre-work and exercises in between.
Anonymous participant